Dynamic Modeling of Human Resource Development in Construction Projects

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc in Construction Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch

2 Assistant Professor in Construction Engineering and Management, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Design and Industrial Design, Dept. of Architecture, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Human resource development is an essential part of human resource management in construction projects. Generally, planning in this area consist of employment, skills improvement and development of workforces. Meanwhile, human resource development is based on training and motivation. In this paper, the role of training and motivation in human resource management of construction projects is investigated. Next, the Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) of human resource development along with complex relationships between factors is obtained using system dynamics approach. Thereafter, the Stock-Flow Diagram (SFD) of human resources development of construction projects has been developed. The information needed to quantify the simulated model has been gathered for a mass housing project. The archived simulation results demonstrate that implementation of financial incentives results in 12% productivity improvement. Besides, delays in labor payment decreased 18% of productivity. The productivity has been also improved about 20% by applying training policy. The presented model has the potential to evaluate the training and motivation of human resources as two main strategies of human resource development, taking into account the dynamics of the project. Finally, the effect of applying human resources development policies on project performance in terms of time can be evaluated using this model. It is also possible to plan the human resource development of the project and to improve the labor productivity and project performance.


Main Subjects

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