Evaluation of the effect of anisotropy on the shear modulus with dissipated energy approach

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Department of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University


Dynamic shear stiffness is a key parameter for determining the soil behavior for site analysis under strong ground motion. The dynamic shear modulus reduces during cyclic loading due to the loss in the soil shear strength. Besides, the soil behavior depends on the loading direction due to the anisotropic nature of the soil. Thus, the anisotropic shear stiffness should be determined for accurate modeling of the soil in the models able to incorporate the anisotropy to estimate the soil's behavior. The models based on the dissipated energy are appropriate for determining the model parameters at different loading conditions. In this study, the shear stiffness of dense Babolsar and Toyoura sands obtained from torsional shear apparatus have been compared, and the effect of major principal stress has been evaluated. The specimens were similarly prepared to the relative density of 75% and then isotopically consolidated before shearing. The shear stress was applied in a stress-controlled manner under a unique deviator stress ratio but at different major principal stress directions. The variation of shear stiffness under different loading direction were evaluated. Results indicated that the major principal stress direction has a significant influence on the dynamic shear stiffness. On the other hand, a unique relationship for the evolution of shear stiffness can be obtained using the dissipate energy approach.


Main Subjects

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