Providing a Using the Structural Model of the influence of Organizational factors on employee safety climate that effect on Behavioral Safety of construction projects

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran

2 M.Sc., Department of Civil Engineering, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran


The high rate of accidents and work-related damages in construction projects, has converted the construction industry to one of the most dangerous industries. Behavior-based safety as a new approach in safety management emphasizes the unsafe behavior of individuals as the most important cause of accidents more than ever. In order to implement this approach, it is essential to examine the factors that effects on the employee's behavioral safety. The purpose of this research is investigate the effect of organizational conditions on safety climate factors that are the most important Basic factors of staff safety behavior. In this study that was done by the structural equation modeling method, using AMOS 22, in the first stage, the measurement model was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis; then, the structural model that was designed based on the research hypotheses was analyzed. The calculated indices (RMSEA=0/079; IFI=0/90; CFI=0/91; x^2⁄df=1/995; TLI=0.91) showed the optimal fit of the proposed model of research. Based on these results, management safety commitment has a positive and direct effect on four factors such as safety training and employee empowerment, Safety supervision, Social support and teamwork, as well as safety rules and rewards system. These findings emphasize organizational managers to pay attention about those factors to increase the safety level of staff.


Main Subjects

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